When can I get started banking my stem cells with Tomarrow?

We anticipate collecting and banking cells from the customers that placed the first reservations in 2024. We understand the hurry to bank your stem cells since they lose their functional abilities as they age, and we’re working rapidly to help you bank your cells as soon as possible.

Where will my stem cells be collected?

Your cells will be collected in a physician’s clinic. We are currently establishing a network of physicians for cell collection and plan to have a cell collection facility available in every metropolitan area of the US.

Will the cell collection procedure hurt?

A local anesthetic is applied to the withdrawal site to prevent pain during cell collection. During the withdrawal, you may feel a brief pressure-like sensation, but the procedure is not expected to cause major pain.

Where will my stem cells be stored?

Your stem cells will be stored at cryogenic temperature at Ossium Health’s FDA-registered facility in Indianapolis, Indiana.

When can I use my stem cells?

Stem cell therapy is currently only only performed in the US for investigational purposes under FDA and IRB-approved clinical trials. We expect the first stem cell therapies to be approved by the FDA within the next few years.

How much will it cost?

We will offer two options for payment, either as a single upfront payment of $8,500 for lifetime storage or an initial upfront payment of $2,000 with an annual storage fee of $400. Your reservation deposit will be deducted from the upfront fee.

How can I learn more?

We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us with your questions on our Contact Us page.